Narromine Charity Motor Show and Shine
Sunday, 28 Mar 2021 - Sunday, 28 Mar 2021
7:00am - 2:00pm
Narromine Golf Club
Greg Wallace or Lindsay Edmunds
0417 212 837 or 0409 688 941

Narromine Charity Motor Show and Shine
If it's got wheels bring it
Trophies for Grand Champion and the following categories:
Best Restored | Best Truck |
Best Original | Best Tractor |
Best Unfinished | Best Paint Job |
Best Engine Bay | Best Motor Cycle |
Best Ute | Best Ford |
Best Holden | Best Other |
....and most likely to be pulled over by the Police Award.
Judging to commence at 10.00 am
All proceeds to local charities
Entry fee is $10 per vehicle that is to be judged
Gate entry is $2 per person
Children under 12 Free
Activities for Children
Food and Drinks available