Legal Help: Rip Offs and Scams
Thursday, 24 Mar 2022
11:00am - 12:00pm
Narromine Library, 31 Dandaloo Street, Narromine NSW 2821
Vickey Foggin or Belinda Barlow
6889 1088 or 6889 1088 or

Have your really won the lottery? Do you have a distant relative in Nigeria who has left you a huge inheritance? Have you been targeted by a ‘fly by night’ operator who has sold you a worthless product or a handsome stranger who seems too good to be true? This informative talk takes you through some of the most common and current rip-offs, where you can go for help if it happens to you, and what steps you can take to become scam-safe. Question time included and attendees will receive a free copy of the ACCC’s Little Black Book of Scams (while supplies last). A Free Community Legal Education talk by Western NSW Community Legal Centre.