HIgh Tea with the Alpacas
Saturday, 22 Oct 2022
10:30am - 12:00pm
Quentin Park, Newell Highway, Tomingley NSW
Amee Dennis or Tyler Kujawa
0484 576 928 or 0484 576 928
quentinparkalpacas@gmail.com or quentinparkalpacas@gmail.com

It's a brilliant way to spend the day - Bring your family, your friends or your Mum for a special treat. Whisk Away Vintage Van will be on-site serving High Tea while you enjoy the alpacas and fresh country air. This is a package deal that includes: Learning a bit about alpacas and why we love them so much before you fall in love yourself. One-on-one time with the Alpacas and a bowl of treats. High Tea - a selection of 5 pieces + a scone + a tea or coffee by Whisk Away Vintage Van for you to enjoy while being in the fresh air and enjoying the day. Look through the Gallery and see the amazing products we make from the alpaca wool and how we work with the fleeces. We are running 2 sessions over the day. The first from 10:30am to 12pm, the second from 12:30pm to 2pm. Bookings are essential. Head over to our website for more information.