Google for Business with Central NSW Business HQ
Thursday, 22 Oct 2020
6:00pm - 7:00pm
Narromine Shire Council
Narromine Shire Council
6889 9999

Learn how to add your business to Google Business and how to utilise Google Drive, Google Analytics and Google Sites for your business
Interactive 1hr workshop presented by Andy Banks of Central West Business HQ
Topics include;
- Google My Business
- Google Drive
- Google business apps
- Google analytics
Your learning will give you an overview of the possibilities that Google free Apps can bring to your business including Free websites, Promotion, Cloud storage , Sheets , online forms etc.
Workshop registration is FREE with plenty of tips information to take away.
This workshop will adhere to the current COVID-19 Restrictions; any changes to physical distancing guidelines may require a change in venue which will be communicated via email 24hrs before commencement of workshop.